Mission Statement, Vision and Values

Mission Statement, Vision and Values

Our Mission Statement

Our Purpose (Vision) is to

Work together today in partnership with our patients and staff to provide the best Primary Care services possible working within local and national governance, guidance and regulations to achieve a healthy tomorrow for all.

Our Values

We foster a culture where everyone feels valued and respected, ensuring that services are accessible to all, free from discrimination.
We strive to identify and address health inequalities, ensuring fair and personalised healthcare for all patients, particularly those from marginalised or underrepresented groups.
We treat all individuals with kindness, empathy, and professionalism, recognising and valuing diverse experiences and perspectives.
We embrace the diversity of our patients and staff, promoting an environment that reflects and celebrates different cultures, identities, and backgrounds.
We are committed to a workplace and practice environment that is free from racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, and any form of prejudice.
We actively engage in education and training to enhance our awareness of EDI issues and improve our policies and practices.
We work closely with patients, staff, and external organizations to promote inclusivity and address the specific needs of our community.

By embedding these values into our daily practice, we aim to create a healthcare setting where everyone feels safe, supported, and heard.

Our Aims and Objectives

By working within the NHS to provide the highest possible professional quality of care that meets the identified needs of our patients.
To treat patients as individuals and with the same respect we would want for ourselves or a member or our families, listening and supporting people to express their needs and wants and enabling people to maintain the maximum possible level of independence, choice and control.
By a whole team approach, to work in partnership with our patients, their families and carers towards a positive experience and understanding, involving them in decision making about their treatment and care. Supporting our patients to help them make decisions to improve and maintain their health.
By using specialist expertise within the practice team and in partnership with other agencies, to tackle the cause of, as well as provide the treatment for patients.  We encourage the continuous education and professional development of all members of the practice team, ensuring they have the competency and motivation to deliver the required standards. We will adapt to change, build on our achievements and develop our services.
By conveying compassion in word and action whilst assessing and responding to needs of our patients.  To take care of our staff, offering them support to do their jobs and protect them from abuse.
By working as one flexible unit that enhances our colleagues’ ability to perform their roles, working in partnership with other agencies.
By speaking and acting truthfully and being accountable for our actions. Have a zero   tolerance for all form of abuse.
By operating on a financially sound basis. Having as low an environmental impact with as reduced waste as possible, working towards net zero by 2040.
To encourage our patients to communicate with us by joining our Patient Forum, talking to  us, participating in surveys, and feeding back and on the services that we offer.